The last meeting for the term 2011-2012 was started with the new president's address. Eventhough president Amy Siew has forgotten to toast to the King , she emphasize to start the term with the theme "Soar to Greater Height"
Toastmaster of the Evening was Chua Eu Chieh. He explained about the history of toastmaster well.
Table topic master's role was played by Shun. Her question were as lovely as she was. The questions were simple that made the table topic speaker to speak their heart out
The first question was thrown to current president Kay Ku. She said,"If I were to travel back in time, I would have spent more time with my father . I really hope to meet him one day" was very touching !
If you had a date with God, what would you ask him? This question was tackled superbly by our very own Dr. Shubash.."I ask God are you the lover of creation or the sadist? God ! Why have you created so many religions? The God replied, I did not create to make you fight. I created so many religion so that you can see the oneness in diversity!"
Tell about a book or a movie that inspired you was asked to Lee Kah Tor....."It has been a very long time since i read a book. The book that really inspired me was" How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie"
and the answer from Irene was "Of course I believe in love, otherwise I would have not married to that "Botak" man ( Andrew)":-)
Relate an Incident that tought you life's greatest lesson....Koh Siew Peng answered with full of confidence .." My life's greatest lesson was you cannot tackle any violence with violence..."
If you knew tomorrow the world is going to come to an end,what would you do today ? And Toastmaster Chandran gave this reply.."Obviously I will call my family together. Sit down and cry together. I will ask for forgiveness for my wrong doing. We will all pray that this will never happen because there could be a last minute saviour. Prayers will always be answered!"
Some people are young in heart.One's phisical age is not the same as one's feeling. How old are you at heart Robert Tan? " I dont know why this question is directed to me......"
Toastmasters Yeoh Lian Geok had to take up the role of the Toastmaster of the Evening due to Chuah Eu Chieh was called to handle his duty at his company
Lady Kat performing her 10th speech from the advance manual with the title "The People's Princess". She wore a blue dress similar to the dress worn by Princess Diana once upon a time. From today onward she will be called as Kat Lee Lan, ACS CL.
Humor master of the day was Toastmasters Ong Guan Leong
General Evaluator was Rosa Phua
DTM Robert Tan evaluated ACB Kat Lee Lan
CC Chandran evaluated ATMB Dr.Shubash
ACB GT Singam evaluated CC ALB Vallie
Grammarian of the day was Toastmaster Koh Siew Peng
Ah counter report was presented by Toastmaster Margeret
Timer for the day was Toastmasters Irene
Best Table Topic Master was Dr.Shubassh!
Best evaluator was DTM Robert Tan
Best Speaker of the Day was CC ALB Vallie Devi
Current President presented her last presidential speech. Her special thanks went to Dr.Shubash who kept his promise to deliver a speech in this term , Vallie Devi for contributing 2 goals for the club (a new record in Port Dickson Toastmasters Club) and Lady Kat for giving the 11th point for the club this term. She ended her speech with a heart full of gratitude by saying Thank you thank you thank you.
Toastmasters and guests left the meeting with so much of joy after listening to the wonderful speeches by Project Speakers , Table topic speakers and Humour masters. It was a memorable and vibrant meeting. For those who did not come you have missed THE MAGIC of Port Dickson Toastmaters Club.The meeting adjourned as usual at 10.30pm.