Our President Kay Ku presented her speech with full of excitement .
We were surprised with the presence of Santa who travel all the way from the North Pole!
Santa presented a short speech to the Portdiskson Toastmasters members. HO!HO!HO
Santa gave everyone a present
Santa was very excited about Portdickson Toastmasters meeting. He cancelled all the other appointment and joined our meeting !
Toast Master of the evening was ACS Rosa Phua. She started the meeting with a Christmas Song
Table Topic Master of the day was TM Irene. Her questions were very short and simple related to Christmas celebration.
Table Topic Evaluator was ATMB Dr.Subhassh
Toastmasters had a short refreshment and fellow ship
President Kay Ku , ACS Amy and TM Tan Ban Yau enjoying their food.
Portdickson Toastmasters members enjoying their refreshment and fellowship
CC Indra with her Advance Project Speech
TM Tan Ban Yau delivered his 3rd Project Speech
The first Humor master for the day was ACB Donna Kat
Our 2nd Humor master of the day was CC Kenneth Gong
General Evaluator of the Day was our lovely CTM Yeoh Lian Geok
GE and TOE seriously preparing their reports
DTM Robert Tan evaluated Advance speaker CC Indra
GT Singam was the evaluator for TM Tan Ban Yau. He gave a humoures 3 minit speech !
Grammarian was none other then our English teachear CTM Krishna Kala Devi
Ah Counter of the day ACB Donna Kat
Time Keeper of the day CC Kenneth Gong
TOE ACS Rosa Phua ending her session with a Jingle Bell Song !
Best Table Topic Speaker CC Indra R
Best Evaluator ACB GT Singam
The Best Speaker for the day TM Tan Ban Yau