Saturday, June 5, 2010

27th AGM on 25th May 2010

The club's 27th AGM cum meeting was held at our usual club meeting venue i.e Sungei Ujong Club Seremban on 25th May 2010. Captured here are some images of that historical night.

Our President Kala opens the meeting. She then chaired the AGM.

The Treasurer giving her report. Our bank balance is RM4635.11.

The Club founder, acting as the Head of the Nominating Committee, reads out the nominees for the various Executive posts.

TM Kay Ku reads out the Incoming President's speech, said to have been sent from Cambodia.

The second session saw several speakers taking to the stage. TM GT Singam was the first. He was speaking to a hostile crowd. He wanted to buy over their squatter land.

Next was our environmental activist TM Valentine. This time it was water pollution.

A snap shot of the Role Players' board. The camera man got nothing else better to do. What do you expect when he is not paid for the job!!!!

The third speaker, TM Robert Tan, spoke about joining the PD Toastmasters Club. He was dressed to kill. Looks a bit like James Bond in his older years.

What do expect from the 4th speaker? It has to be about the maritime industry. He is a Ship Captain and this is what he is best at. He divided the crowd into two groups to tackle certain situations.

The first group under the able leadership of TM Amy Siew trying their best how to deal with a stowaway. Some say throw him into the sea. Feed him to the sharks.

The second group under the leadership of the incoming AG, tried their best to solve their maritime problem. Aiyaa this Captain, he is doing his speech and he gives us a big headache to solve.

TM Chandran evaluating TM GT Singam. "I was taken aback by what happened at the beginning. Everyone was shouting and so hostile."

The TOE busy counting the Best Speaker votes. She too was dressed to kill, a female version of James Bond.

TM Amy Siew evaluated TM Valentine. " U shud use more forceful words to persuade."

TM Lee Kah Tor evaluated TM Robet Tan. "I find the title a bit soft. It is ....."

Incoming AG Robert Ram evaluated TM Capt Khalid. "Tonight I learn two words: Stevedor and stowaway".

TM Kat Lee Lan giving her points. Wow! look at the hand gesture.

The best speaker award goes to ...............

The best evaluator award goes to ....................
It was an eventful meeting. Were you there? If not, do make an attempt to join us for the next meeting.


  1. Aiyaa.... miss this fun session...

  2. Well Done Photographer. Very good photos and captions.

  3. Wah praising me. Trying to make up for your absence!!!! Ha ha.

  4. Woman james bond ?? called Michelle Yeoh.
