Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Meeting on 14th June 2011

We had another of our usual meeting on 14th June 2011. The new President, TM Kay Ku wasted no time in getting the club going. She was superb. Captured below are some memorable moments of the meeting, frozen in time forever.

The President opening the meeting.

Toastmaster of the evening, TM Yeoh was in top form. She was simply fabulous as the TOE.

TM Kala was tabletopics master.

TM Masita was the first lucky person to be called for tabletopics.

Next, it was outgoing AG, TM Robert Ram.

The new President was not spared either.

Veteran, TM Stephen Francis, was full of power during tabletopics.

New member, TM Rajah, broke the ice during tabletopics.

Making a comeback was TM Sukumaran.

Tabletopics evaluator was DTM Robert Tan. Look at his hand gestures. The camera just couldn't capture it.

After a heart stopping tabletopics session, it was time to take a rest and drown the butterflies in the stomach with food.

After the break, new Toastmaster, TM Ong Guan Leong took to the lectern and had every one laughing in stitches with his icebreaker. This is another man to watch out for, in the future. He is going to be a great speaker.

TM Indra (without G), was the next to speak.

TM Amy Siew was next. She presented a topic from the Better Speaker series.

TM Stephen Francis had every one laughing all the way with his usual brand of humour.

General Evaluator, TM Indra (with G), captured here with an ultraman (oops! ultrawoman)pose.

Resident Dr, TM Dr Subhassh, diagnosing TM Ong Guan Leong's speech and prescribing him the necessary speech enhancing medicine.

TM Vallie evaluated TM Indra (without G). Look at her hair lah. Isn't she gorgeous?
My heart also skipped a beat when I looked at her. This hair style is really suitable for you.

TM Kenneth kept track of the language used for the night.

Lady Kat counted the number of "ahs". She just loved this role.

TM Chandran kept time for us. A usual our meeting started ....... (Fill in the blank).

Best tabletopics speaker goes to .............

Best speaker goes to ..................

Best evaluator goes to ................

A view of the crowd at the meeting.

AG Robert Ram was invited to address us during his final hours as the AG.

It was a good eventful meeting. See you at our next meeting. Please don't miss it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

An Inaugural Speech that we hope to emulate in PD Toastmasters Club

Port Dickson Toastmasters Club is training us to speak like this...........

Monday, June 13, 2011

Gila-gila Vegetarian dinner on 5th June 2011

Another Port Dickson Toastmasters gila-gila vegetarian dinner was held at the Tashi Delek Vegetarian restaurant in S2 Seremban on 5th June 2011. Present were 14 of us. The pictures below shows the event with the mouth watering food. It costs each of us RM35. It was good food, good company and good chatting.

Twelve seen here, minus the camera man and TM Dharma who came later.

We started with the 5 happiness dish. The "money bag" selection seen at the lower bottom, deserves special mention.

This is the vegetarian yam basket. Tastes good.

Then it was vegetarian sharks fin soup. Tastes like the real thing except no sharks had to die for us.

This is the pine seed fish. The "fish" is almost covered by the seeds. Tastes like real fish.

This is tofu with broccoli. To me this dish is not that great.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...... this is great. Its called Dragon beard.

This is lotus root with other things added in.

This is easily the champion dish. The curry is so good it still lingers in my mouth.
Definitely the dish to die for. Go for it. Go search for this and don't forget to bring me along. I love this.

The lotus leaf rice. Wah.... very nice. Very nice.

Sea coconut to top it all before you go home.

It was a great new experience. The place was nice and the deco was good. The mirror covered wall created an impression of spaciousness. The only drawback was the noise from the other guests. It was loud. Robert Tan recommended sound proofing walls. The owner agreed but he will charge us more for the food. Ha ha.

Till the next gila-gila makan, do join us if you didn't make it this time. Its great food, great company and great non-stop talking. Ample opportunity to practise your Toastmasters speaking skills.

A warm welcome to our 3 new members: Masita, Rajah and Ong Guan Leong.

Port Dickson Toastmasters Club welcomes our three newest members.

TM Masita.

TM Rajah.

TM Ong Guan Leong.

We pledge to do our best to help the three of you in your quests for better communication and leadership skills.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Using Failure to Ensure Success in PD Toastmasters Club

In view that we are having some new members at Port Dickson Toastmasters Club, I thought that this article is most appropriate in your journey in communication and leadership skills.

In his book "Failing Forward," John C. Maxwell tells the story of Samuel Langley, the man who should have invented the airplane.

Langley was Director of the Smithsonian Institution and a respected former professor of mathematics and astronomy. Decades before the Wright brothers successfully flew their plane, the government had given a $50,000 check to Dr. Langley. The purpose? To convert what he'd learned by experimenting with large models into the first manned airplane.

On Oct. 8, 1903, Langley expected his years of work to come to fruition. As journalists and curious onlookers watched, Charles Manley (Langley's engineer), wearing a cork-lined jacket, strode across the deck of a modified houseboat and climbed into the pilot's seat of a motorized biplane called the Great Aerodrome. The craft was perched atop a specially built catapult designed to initiate its flight into the air. But when the launch was attempted, part of the Aerodrome got caught. It was flung into 16 feet of water a mere 50 yards away.

Criticism of "Langley's Folly" was brutal. But he was undaunted. He tried a second flight eight weeks later. This time, the pilot was almost killed.

This second failure was too much for the respected scientist. Defeated and demoralized, he abandoned his pursuit of flight. On. Dec. 17, just a few months later, Orville and Wilber Wright, uneducated, unknown, and unfunded, flew their plane over the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk.

The moral of this story is obvious: If you want to accomplish great things in your life, you have to be willing to fail. Again and again.

In his book, Maxwell provides this formula for "making friends with failure":

1. Recognize that a willingness to fail is the chief difference between successful people and average people.

In Maxwell's opinion, success has little to do with wealth, family, background, morals, or opportunity. "When it comes right down to it," he says, "I know of only one factor that separates those who consistently shine from those who don't: their perception of and response to failure."

2. Redefine failure.

Maxwell says that people are too quick to judge isolated situations and label them as failures. A successful person sees a setback as temporary and beneficial - something to learn from. As basketball coach Rick Pitino once said, "Failure is good. It's fertilizer. Everything I've learned about coaching I've learned from making mistakes."

3. Disconnect yourself from your mistakes.

The trick to overcoming the fear of failure is to disassociate yourself from it. To understand that, as Maxwell says, "your failure does not make you a failure." Instead of beating yourself when you make a mistake, tell yourself, "I am not a failure. I failed at doing this."

Keep in mind that every successful person has experienced failure. Mozart, a musical genius, was told by Emperor Ferdinand that The Marriage of Figaro was "far too noisy" and contained "far too many notes." Thomas Edison, the most prolific inventor in history, was considered unteachable as a youngster. And Albert Einstein, the greatest thinker of modern times, was told by a Munich schoolmaster that he would never amount to much.

4. Take action to remove fear.

Recognize that your fear of failure is based not on logic but on experience. To get rid of that paralyzing fear, you must take action. "If you can take action and keep making mistakes," says Maxwell, "you gain experience. That experience eventually brings competence, and you make fewer mistakes. As a result of making fewer mistakes, your fear becomes less paralyzing. But the whole cycle-breaking process starts with action. You must act your way into feeling, not wait for positive emotions to carry you forward."

5. Change the way you respond to failure.

Some people get angry when they fail. Others, unwilling to accept responsibility, look for scapegoats. Some people, stubborn people, ignore their negative results and continue to repeat their unsuccessful actions. Still others simply give up. "There's really only one solution to the gridlock on the failure freeway," Maxwell says, "and that's to wake up and find the exit." In other words, to accept responsibility for the actions that contributed to your failure. And to change your behavior accordingly.

The title that Maxwell chose for his book - "Failing Forward" - sums up this philosophy nicely: If you march long enough, you will stumble. Whether you stumble forward or stumble backward or stop marching completely is entirely up to you.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Special meeting with AGM on 24th May 2011

The club had its AGM on 24th May 2011. A special meeting without tabletopics was held in conjunction with the AGM. Below are photos to capture those moments in time.

The outgoing President proposing a toast to start the special meeting.

The Toastmaster of the Evening, TM Dr Subhassh started the ball rolling.

TM Chandran finishing his last speech in the C & L manual to obtain his CC title.

TM Muluk surprised every one with his ice breaker.

The General Evaluator, TM Stephen Francis taking over control of the meeting.

TM Lee kah Tor evaluated Tm Chandran.

DTM Robert Tan evaluated TM Muluk.

The roll player board says it all.

The much needed break before the AGM. Notive the fried chicken on the table, courtesy of the outgoing President.

TM Amy Siew evaluated the standard of language used.

TM Indra G counted the number of "ahs".

TM Shaharin kept time.

The Champion speaker......

The champion evaluator......

Time to start the AGM. The outgoing President chaired the meeting.

A view of the AGM participants.

Special award for TM Amy.

A special award for TM Vallie too.

The treasurer looking serious when she tabled the accounts.

The Nominating committee chairman explaining how nominations are done in Toastmasters Club.

The Incoming President delivering her acceptance speech.

It was a fantastic evening of speeches, evaluations and AGM. Of course spiced up by the fried chickens too. Thank you to those who were present. To those absent, do make up by attending our next meeting. Cheerio.