Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Power of Belief-Anthony Robbins

If we believe we can achieve our DTM, we will.......


  1. Good work. The only thing is i dont know who posted this? Soo Guan or Rosa? If you can put your name , it would be better.
    Thanks for putting up this.

  2. Aiyo, then say thank you to 'who ever post it'
    afterall they are happy to do it, enjoy very much.

  3. Whoever posted it, give yourself a pat on the back. This is the stuff that will not only motivate, but will propel and inspire you that before you know it you are a DTM.

    To get the best benefit from this video, I`ll suggest that you listen to it several times until you GET the message. That it really SINKS in.

    And most importantly, spend a few minutes, reflect on it.

    Listen + Listen + more Listen = LISTEN xxx??

    But Listen + Action = RESULT.

    So go now and take ACTION!

  4. Listen+Action+AG=DTM
    So stop listening , and focus on AG.
    AG+AG+AG=peep...peep.. Excellent
    Lets make PDTMC an AG generating club.
