Saturday, July 27, 2013

Message from your VPE

Having read the Toastmaster magazine in the June 2013 issue in which our International President, John Lau DTM in his message said, "Sharing information about goal progress, while accepting the truth, helps us learn, unlearn and relearn."

This is probably why the new committee have nominated me to carry out the task of helping our members to achieve their goals and make our club achieve excellence. Both these goals will be unattainable if we do not have your support. We need your co-operation to share with us how you would want to achieve your goals.

I will be approaching you for information that will enable me to draw up a chart that will assist our club to pinpoint your present position of your achievements and the steps you need to take to achieve your next goal. Remember that each time you take a role or do an assignment, constructive feedback helps you to enhance your performance the next time. Above all, make your Toastmastering meeting exciting and enjoyable!

..~ Robert Tan, DTM (VP Education) ~..

1 comment:

  1. Old member (in age as well as seniority) but still lots of fire in belly. Way to go DTM Robert!
